Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Team Norfolk Severe Weather Update 4-5-17 @ 8:30pm - IMPORTANT INFORMATION

Team Norfolk,
We conducted a Team Norfolk Command and Control conference call inclusive of the National Weather Service at 4:30pm, and then checked in with the NWS again shortly before 8pm.  The forecast remains unchanged, consistently pointing to severe hazardous conditions overnight and during the morning hours (approximately 7-11am).
In addition to possible tornado activity, the primary threats associated with this storm system include large hail, high/damaging winds (potentially upward of 60-75mph during thunderstorms), possible downed trees/limbs, power outages and property damage.  These forecasts have been communicated by the NWS with a high degree of confidence.  As such, protective actions are being taken now and communicated so folks have some time to plan accordingly. 
Please note: during tornado outbreaks, time is of the essence and we’re lucky if we have minutes to react.  In this situation we have received a pattern of consistent forecast information allowing us to take action now, ahead of what could possibly be a life-threatening situation. 
Interim City Manager Doug Smith declared a 10am opening for city offices.
Thursday garbage collection has been cancelled and rescheduled for Saturday.
Superintendent Dr. Melinda Boone declared a 2-hour delay for Norfolk Public Schools.
Norfolk's Emergency Operations Center will be at an elevated level of readiness with personnel on site overnight.
Again, messaging throughout the community should include the importance of registering for Norfolk Alert, to secure loose items in their yard and charge their devices ahead of any potential power outages.  Also, all official storm-related information will be posted at, the city’s social media and TV48.
Thanks and be safe!

Director, Norfolk EOC

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